This column is intended as a place to voice observations. Consider it constructive criticism. Cat fights aren’t good for anyone and lord knows the poor animals end up very hurt and distraught by the time the cat fight is over. That being said, onto the business of observation.
I spoke last month about how we would discuss relationships. Over the past month I’ve analyzed my relationship with myself to see how it affects me those around me as well. I’ve discovered that like it or not, I (most likely we, all) have two distinct sides that dependent on the cranial work load may or may not be visible to me but do compete for my decision making regardless. I’m making choices not even knowing I'm making choices. My therapist refers to it as Impulse Control Disorder.
It’s why many of us choose the escapes we do as well as why we take on the challenges we do. It’s a chance for us to see what’s right and wrong, good and bad, for us and nobody else. It’s an opportunity for an outsider to recognize the power in their reaction and their ability to enact their personal compassion, as well as one for the insider to come to the sincerity and prowess of their plights.
As friends, lovers, partners, co-workers, and fellow human being, I believe it is our given duty to facilitate those with less, to align them and bring them into balance. For they have a job to do, and might just be able to teach you something.
As the one receiving, care love, help, and charity, please remember that all gifts are on borrowed time and not to forget to give back whenever you can. There never seems enough to go around these days.
In short, possibly the best way to improve all the relationships in your life may just be to fundamentally be good to yourself and others . That’s it for this Blog kids. NEXT STOP……FASHION!
Mike Bitar